Sunday, 27 April 2014

Cougar stripped and ready to move.

I have stripped down the Cougar and now it's ready for cutting.
Thanks to Joe for stopping by and suggesting that I move the car to where the Mustang is before cutting off the body this way transporting it on our pot hole filled roads should not be a problem.
No real issues taking the car apart, I did however find some rust on the floor behind the drivers seat which is no problem, but i will have to repair it before moving forward.
Thanks to Greg for the lift, moving the Cougar went smooth now the hard work begins.
My to do list is getting shorter however it is still a couple of pages long.
If all things go well I am hoping to have the body stripped and placed on the Mustang by June 1.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Mustang complete

All cutting has been done on the Mustang.
I am sure to have some touch ups and tweaks as I move forward but for now the Mustang is done.
No more wiring was torched on the drivers side like I did on the passenger side lesson learned.
I even had time this weekend to test the measurements on the front end on the Mustang.
After taking what seemed to be hundreds of measurements on the body of the car I really payed little attention to the front end thinking that once I finished the Mustang I could just place the three parts from the Cougar  and make sure they fit this would confirm My measurements were correct.. I removed the front tires as I will have to fabricate the front fenders the Cougar front end is four inches longer than the Mustang.
So after using snap ties and pieces of wood I could find in the garage the next thing I know the Cougar front end is on the Mustang and it looked and fit great. One other fabrication i might have to make is the opening of the hood, there is no where to put the hood hinges so the hood might have to open in reverse like the Corvette hood but I will get a second opinion on that before I make the final decision.  
I hope things go as smooth with the Cougar, time will tell.